How Can a Sports Medicine Expert Help Improve My Game?

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How Can a Sports Medicine Expert Help Improve My Game?

If you feel like you’re not performing at your full potential in your particular sport, you might be wondering if a sports medicine expert could be of help. We discuss why you should seek sports medicine care for improved athletic performance here.

If you’re looking to improve your game, you might be wondering where to go or who to see. We think that no matter your age or activity level, you can turn to a sports medicine expert to help improve your overall sports performance. 

At the Sports, Pain and Regenerative Institute in Fairview and Montclair, New Jersey, sports medicine expert Aditya Patel, MD and the rest of our team offer comprehensive care that includes nutritional counseling and information on how to prevent injuries, in order to help boost your athletic performance and achieve your personal goals.

In this blog, we discuss why you should see our sports medicine team and what to expect when you come in to meet with us.

Explaining sports medicine

Sports medicine includes dealing with physical fitness and the prevention and treatment of sports-related injuries. The overall point of sports medicine is to keep you safe while pursuing your fitness or athletic goals.

Experts in sports medicine — such as Dr. Patel — are individuals who are highly trained and specialize in the musculoskeletal system, which is made up of your bones, muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments, and connective tissues. Sports medicine experts are able to treat injuries that arise from participating in exercise or other physical activities that involve all members of your musculoskeletal system. 

While sports medicine experts are often known for specifically treating athletes, the truth is that you can seek out sports medicine for treatment and boosted performance whether you’re just starting out with light physical activity or you’re already a dedicated and competitive athlete.

How sports medicine addresses athletic performance

Many different factors play into how well you perform as an athlete, and that’s exactly where sports medicine comes into the picture. 

When you come to see us for improved sports performance, we can start by evaluating all your anatomical strengths and weaknesses. For example, if you have weak hips or knees that may be prone to injury, we can cater an exercise routine to you specifically that will not only strengthen your weak areas and improve agility but also help to prevent any type of injury.

In addition, the kinds of things you’re fueling your body with can contribute to how well you’re playing your particular sport. We can suggest some ways to integrate healthy nutrition into your diet and recommend supplements that can fill in any gaps or weak spots.

Other factors such as overtraining; improperly healed injuries; and skipping proper warm-ups or cool-downs before and after workouts or sports games can also be involved in poor performance. We can address any of these underlying contributors for improved sports participation.

If you’re looking for ways to improve your game, schedule an appointment with our sports medicine team for individualized care. You can book online or over the phone today.